Category: Boxford Parish Council (Page 3 of 4)

Boxford Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held online on Tuesday 4th May at 7pm. All Parishioners are welcome to join via Webex; It is a good opportunity to hear what the Parish Council is working on and put forward your own ideas and requests. The Parish Council Annual General Meeting will follow.

For the meeting link please contact the clerk – or 07811 322994.

Parish Meeting Agenda

Annual General Meeting Agenda

West Berkshire Council Active Travel Scheme Consultation

West Berkshire Council Active Travel Scheme Consultation opens 22nd February 2021 

Have your say on our ‘Active Travel’ schemes in West Berkshire

West Berkshire Council is committed to encouraging active travel by introducing more walking and cycling opportunities throughout the district.

The council is taking action to help the public safely make walking or cycling trips part of their daily travel choices. Below is the link to take part and find out more on the schemes already identified:

If you have suggestions on other schemes you can help WBC identify suitable locations in your neighbourhood to create more accessible streets for active travel, including better public spaces, secure cycle parking and provide high quality environments suitable for cycling and walking.

Your feedback will help the Council plan effectively, when budgets become available, and make improvements that are most important to you.

Parish Council 2021 Meetings

The 2021 Parish Council meetings will be held on a Tuesday evening in the Heritage Centre if Covid-19 restrictions allow or virtually if not. Parishioners are still welcome to attend the virtual meetings, please just contact the clerk ( for log in details.

The meetings are scheduled as follows: 5th January, 2nd March, 4th May – Annual General Meeting, 6th July, 7th September and 2nd November.

2019/2020 Parish Council Accounts

In Line with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit Regulations 2015, and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities please find below the Boxford Parish Council Accounts for 2019/20. Please click on the link to download:
Certificate of Exemption 2019/20, Annual Governance Statement, Internal Auditors Report, Annual Accounting Statements, the Bank Reconciliation and the Variation of Expenditure. In addition, we also publish the Parish Council Asset Register, CIL spending and Spending Records for 2019/20.

2018/19 Parish Council Accounts

In Line with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit Regulations 2015, and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities please find below the Boxford Parish Council Accounts for 2018/19. Please click on the link to download:
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19 including the Certificate of Exemption, Annual Internal Audit Report, Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements. 
The 2018/19 Bank Reconciliation, Analysis of Variances and Notice of Public Rights. In addition we have also published the Annual Internal Auditors Report, Spending Details and Parish Council Asset Register. 

2017/18 Parish Council Accounts

In line with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities published in 2015, Boxford Parish Council hereby presents the following information for download:

If you require any further details please contact the Parish Clerk


Boxford Parish Council

This website was set up by Boxford Parish Council as a community website in May 2008. Bearing in mind not everyone has internet access, users are asked to copy any significant notices, particularly Neighbourhood Watch notices, to neighbours who do not have computers. Notices will still be placed on the Parish Council noticeboard.

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