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Boxford Parish Council

This website was set up by Boxford Parish Council as a community website in May 2008. Bearing in mind not everyone has internet access, users are asked to copy any significant notices, particularly Neighbourhood Watch notices, to neighbours who do not have computers. Notices will still be placed on the Parish Council noticeboard.


Boxford Parish Council

Boxford Village Hall Committee

St.Andrew’s Church, Boxford

West Berkshire Council
01635 42400
Customer Services
01635 519080

Local District Councillors – Hungerford & Kintbury Ward
Tony Vickers:

Dennis Benneyworth:

Denise Gaines:

Local M.P

Laura Farris –

School contacts

Panda Club
01488 657273
Boxford Teddy Bears Pre-School
01488 657273

Stockcross C.E.Aided Primary School

Welford & Wickham C.E.Aided Primary School

Trinity School
01635 510500

Local Education Authority is West Berkshire Council  
For admission queries
01635 503425

Parish Room & Boxford Heritage Centre


“Before & After”

The old Parish Room (left above) was an early Victorian building on glebe land adjacent to the churchyard, originally used as a schoolroom and later as a meeting room for Parish Council meetings and social evenings. The old building collapsed under snow in 2009.

A Diocesan Faculty and Planning Permission were granted for the rebuilding of the Parish Room as a local Heritage Centre. A large and generous donation from the Payne-Gallwey Charitable Trust enabled the project to get off the ground. A plaque in memory of Sir Philip Payne-Gallwey, a long serving Churchwarden of St.Andrew’s Church and for his mother Janet Payne-Gallwey, a most energetic and supportive Boxfordian, was subsequently approved. Other generous donations for the building came from the Greenham Common Trust (GCT), The David Lewin Memorial Fund, Boxford Parochial Church Council and a West Berkshire Council Parish Plan Grant and several donations were made through the GCT.findmeagrant.

The new building (above right) is now complete. It has become a storage and display room for local artefacts and parish documents. There is a vast amount of parish information currently held by individuals which will be available for information and research by all. One of the most important recent additions, are the finds from the Roman villa discovered in 2013. This museum will be the only one to hold these finds.

Furniture for the Parish Room has been funded by another generous donation through GCT. findmeagrant in memory of Graham Luff. If anyone has any contacts with knowledge of displaying or archiving, would they please contact Joy Appleton 01488 608422 or

The Parish Room will also be available for small meetings. Please contact the verger Joy Appleton.

Boxford history book – Boxora to Boxford


Copies are available from Joy Appleton 01488 608422, Sue Downes 01488 608285 or Marion Knape 01488 608618 or by email: All households in Boxford Parish received a free copy of Boxora to Boxford.



Boxford’s Parish Plan, completed in 2008, identified strong support for the printing of a simple parish history. Indeed at the time of compiling the Parish Plan there had been such a great demographic change, that there were few “locals” who knew the history of the parish before World War II. A more comprehensive history of the parish “Boxford  Barleycorn” written by local teacher Elsie Huntley has long been out of print. Her book provided the starting point for the further research work undertaken by the Boxford History Project team in 2008. The team is greatly indebted to many for their generous giving of information, artefacts, film and photographs; all of which has helped us to understand better the history of this treasured little place now called Boxford. As with all histories, new information comes to light all the time and we hope that in future years, another group will have the enthusiasm to update this history of Boxford.

On a personal level, I would like to pay tribute  to the dedicated sleuths who have contributed so much to the making of this  little book – The Boxford History Project  team: Sue Downes, Marion Knape, Margaret Rigby, Prue Willison and Steve Smart.

Joy Appleton
Chair BHP

The Parish of Boxford

The Parish of Boxford is attractively situated in the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, a few miles north-west of the market town of Newbury in Berkshire. The Parish is characterised by open chalk and flint downland fields running down to the rich soils of the wooded river valley of the Lambourn. To the south-west of the Parish there are large woodland plantations, through which the old Roman Road of Ermin Street passes.

The village of Boxford itself sits naturally protected by the surrounding woods and hills which were once covered with Box from which the village takes its name. The River Lambourn, a fine trout stream, meanders through the village and thence south-east to Newbury, where it joins the River Kennet. Nearly all the water meadows at the heart of the village are classified as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Boxford Water-meadows

Part of the village of Boxford is in a Conservation Area. There are approximately 190 households in the parish as a whole, and a church,  village hall,  public house and recreation ground are to be found in the village itself.


Explore Boxford on foot: download Boxford Parish Footpaths (PDF).

The History of the New Village Hall at the Recreation Ground

Boxford Village Hall

The Trustees of Boxford Parish Hall were pleased to announce that the new village hall is now complete and the Pre-School have been operating from the new premises from 30th June 2014.

In the design of the new building, much attention has been given to measures that make the new building secure, efficient to operate and cost effective to maintain over the long term. Green alternative energy and low energy technologies have been incorporated, including photovoltaic panels to generate electricity, a Ground Source Heat Pump in conjunction with under-floor heating to efficiently heat the building and provide hot water and low energy LED lighting throughout the public areas. The free heat source for the ground source heat pump comes from two boreholes that provide access to “warm” water in the underground aquifer, which is also used via a purification plant to provide potable water supplies to the building.

The Trustees are grateful for the enthusiastic support of a number of individuals and organisations that have helped the project reach this major milestone. Thanks are particularly due to Boxford Parish Council for their support and for grant funding to get the project running, to Stuart Tagg and the Greenham Common Trust who have provided both encouragement and financial support throughout the project, and to Aquadrill who have provided free plant and labour to drill the two boreholes.

The old sports pavilion now replaced by the new Village Hall

The old sports pavilion now replaced by the new village hall

Installing underfloor heating

Installing underfloor heating

Installing PV panels

Installing PV panels

Installation of the acoustic panels

Installation of the acoustic panels

The team
The Team, from left to right:
Simon Mooney- builder/carpenter; Stephen Marbus – developer/builder; Steve Smart – Village Hall deputy project leader and treasurer; Mike Appleton – Village Hall project leader; Howard Waters – architect – Matthewson Waters Architects


Sebastian Faulks opening the new village hall

Village Hall Committee Members

Chair – Chris Bodine

Boxford Parish Council – Peter Thompson

Boxford Parochial Church Council – Charlie Liverton

Boxford Boars Cricket Club – James Adam

Boxford Masques – Carolyn Wilson

Booking Manager – Carolyn Wilson

Co-opted members:

  • Linda Lewis – Treasurer

For general information, bookings & enquiries email: or 01488 658366.

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