Category: Parish News


The Annual General Meeting of the Boxford History Project will be held at 7pm on 10th March 2023 in the Heritage Centre

1. Welcome
2. Approval of the AGM Minutes held on 8th MARCH 2022
3. Chairman’s Report for 2022
4. Election of trustees (new trustees welcome to stand)
5. Inspected Financial Report for approval
6. Latest find in Boxford
7. To receive suggestions for the BHP Programme for 2023
8. Any questions

All Boxford residents past and present are welcome to join this meeting. We are always looking for new trustees and members for the BHP and welcome ideas and suggestions for the BHP programme for the future. At 7.30pm, following the Annual Meeting, Dr Philip Smither, Berkshire’s Finds Liaison Officer, will talk about his role and the work of the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme. If you have any finds or artefacts for him to evaluate, please bring them with you. Please RSVP to or phone 01488 608422

Defibrillator Fundraiser – September 2021

Many thanks to all those who participated in Saturday’s fundraising event and to all those who supported it with their donations. We were blessed with great weather on Saturday and the walk, which was kindly lead by Jonathan Hull, was enjoyed by everyone while the run was successfully completed, but possibly rather less enjoyed by some of those on it! We made it though and the picnic on the Rec proved to be a welcome celebration.

Thanks to all your generosity we have raised enough funds to obtain a defibrillator for the village hall and to run training, or re-training courses for those who did it 6 years ago, for anyone interested. We hope to get the equipment installed in the next couple of months and to start training classes at about the same time.

Please get in touch with the Parish Council Clerk if you would be interested in attending training. Email

Village Hall Defibrillator Fundraiser

With the Village Hall and Rec now well established as the hub of the Village’s sporting and social activities, Peter Thompson and a group of friends, lead by Nadage Fleming and Andrew Leader, are undertaking the Gibbet Challenge on 11th September to raise funds to obtain a defibrillator for the village Hall and the necessary training.
The Gibbet Challenge is a very demanding 10k+ run which involves running up and down the notorious Walbury Hill twice and taking in the aptly named Gallows Down.
We would be very grateful if you felt able to support this community project by making a donation through the Just Giving page set up by Peter:

Boxford Public Access Defibrillator

Boxford’s new defibrillator is now functioning in the church porch at St.Andrew’s. In the event of an emergency, the 999 operator will advise the location and code to access the defibrillator. Thirty two people have signed up for Resuscitation Training which will take place at the Village Hall on September 12th and 19th. More money for the defibrillator, installation, maintenance and first aid training has been received and the total now stands at £2845! Well done Boxford!


The sponsored runners, Colin Hays, Nadege Fleming and Andrew Leader who took part in the Gibbet Challenge Run on 28th June

The sponsored runners, Colin Hays, Nadege Fleming and Andrew Leader who took part in the Gibbet Challenge Run on 28th June to fund raise for the new defibrillator



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