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The Annual General Meeting of the Boxford History Project will be held at 7pm on 10th March 2023 in the Heritage Centre

1. Welcome
2. Approval of the AGM Minutes held on 8th MARCH 2022
3. Chairman’s Report for 2022
4. Election of trustees (new trustees welcome to stand)
5. Inspected Financial Report for approval
6. Latest find in Boxford
7. To receive suggestions for the BHP Programme for 2023
8. Any questions

All Boxford residents past and present are welcome to join this meeting. We are always looking for new trustees and members for the BHP and welcome ideas and suggestions for the BHP programme for the future. At 7.30pm, following the Annual Meeting, Dr Philip Smither, Berkshire’s Finds Liaison Officer, will talk about his role and the work of the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme. If you have any finds or artefacts for him to evaluate, please bring them with you. Please RSVP to or phone 01488 608422

West Berkshire Cost of Living Hub has launched

The support hub will provide advice and practical support for local people in financial hardship, making it easier for residents to get the help they need.

The new West Berkshire Cost of Living Hub, which is being created to support those facing financial hardship this winter, is now open to residents.

Local people can find advice and support around cost of living issues with a wealth of information available on the hub website. Staff will also be able to provide advice and match residents’ needs with the support available both nationally and locally, including from local charities and voluntary organisations.

The initiative has been set up by West Berkshire Council in partnership with Greenham Trust and the Volunteer Centre West Berkshire, and will work closely with the local community and voluntary sector.

Ahead of the launch work has been done with partners to map food providers and other voluntary sector support for residents affected by the cost of living, to ensure a comprehensive range of support is available to refer residents to as required.

The hub will be open from Monday-Thursday 8.30-5.00pm and Friday 8.30am-4.30pm.

More information about the hub and an online contact form can be found on the website Enquiries can be submitted at any time via the online form and will be processed during opening hours.

We recommend people make initial contact using the online form so that we can best process and give the right advice to respond to their query, however if necessary people can also call the team on: 01635 503333 or email:

The Triumphs of Pelops and Bellerophon: Unique Mosaic Evidence of Romanitas in Late Roman Britain

At long last Cambridge University Press has published online in First View,  the report commissioned by the BHP and written by the late Anthony Beeson and Matt Nichol. The 41 page report is available to download – sadly at a cost of £20 unless you have a Cambridge Core Account. This will be published in hard copy at the end of the year in Britannia. It’s just sad that Anthony did not live to see it published.



Parish Council Accounts 2021-2022

In Line with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit Regulations 2015, and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities please find below the Boxford Parish Council Accounts for 2021-22. Please click on the links to download:

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/2022

Bank Reconciliation 2021/22

Certification of Exemption 2021/2022

Confirmation of dates for the period for the exercise of public rights

Boxford Village Jubilee Picnic

A village picnic commemorating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee will be held on Saturday 4th June from 14:00 onwards in the Village Hall and on the recreation ground. All are very welcome. Please bring a picnic and some blankets or a gazebo. Beer will be available for a donation of £2.50 per pint.

There will be a number of different competitions during the course of the day, and music will be provided by Boxford’s own DJ, self-styled Nelson Fury.

Competitions from 14:30

  • Jubilee Cake Competition – Budding bakers out there, time to put your creative hats, or would that be crowns on for an opportunity to enter our jubilee themed cake/cup cake competition
  • Jubilee/ King/ Queen Fancy Dress – Open to all or any age, but mainly the kids, dress to be a queen or king of the past, present or future
  • Dog Fancy dress – Best Jubilee or king and queen themed dog fancy dress
  • Fun Dog Agility – A competition for any size or ability of dog , all that’s needed is enthusiasm from dog and owner
  • Dog with the Waggliest Tail – Any tail long or short

Please see the attached flyer which has all the details. We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Boxford Village Jubilee Picnic Flyer

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