We are absolutely delighted to tell you that the Boxford Masques is going ahead this summer!

Following our recent AGM and Organising Committee meeting we decided that subject to the continued easing of lockdown we can put on a truly great show for everyone end of July this year. We believe we can make this a true community effort, with wide support and participation from all over our area; at a time when, let’s face it, we all want to get out again and have some fun!

We have a play ready, a huge tent to shelter us, the Boxford Rec booked and local council support…..but there are still a few things we need help with to better manage budgets:

Equipment: Local bands The Migz and The Station are generously loaning us sound equipment but we still need more microphones, particularly radio and rifle mics. We also need Par Cans and other types of lighting, plus a couple of generators.

Volunteers: We need help with front of house, chaperoning and costume making. We also need people to direct in the car park and to sell programmes,

Musical: We have a band and if you have any particular instrumental skills which can add something, please step up.
If you can help or know someone who can, please let us know; all help, no matter how small, is so important to us.

Email info@boxfordmasques.org.uk if you would like further information

After the year we have all had, we really hope to make this show, on our 21st birthday, a stunning community celebration of joy, fun and life!
Showtime! 28th July – 1st August 2021 Our 21st Birthday!