Prue, Agata, Barbara, Tom, Kate and Freya

Prue, Agata, Barbara, Tom, Kate and Freya

Pot Washers Extraordinaire


Pot washing may not seem very glamorous but it takes careful hands and concentration to remove years of mud from tiles,  bricks, pots, painted plaster, bone, shells and metal work.  A huge amount had been brought down from the site on Saturday, so it was a major task to clear it all before digging starts again. So whilst the rain poured down outside, we were working hard in the barn. After the artefacts are washed , they are photographed, their site location and any significant marks are recorded.

Many limestone and clay tiles  had fallen from the collapsed roof into the main entrance of the villa, covering the floor. There is still much more debris to clear from here. It’s amazing then to find small items unbroken like the bone pin.


Bone pin

Bone pin